Stud press
Stud press
Cold forging Stud Press
This press have been delivered to export markets in large quantities. The tyre stud machines are used in production 24/7 at our customers.
Our trackrecord shows that the machines need very little maintenance which is proof of our ability in design, manufacturing and assembly.
Continuous development is ongoing to further enhance the process of manufacturing a tyre stud.
Other specialty machines
On many customers request, we have designed, manufactured and delivered specialty machinery for a unique application. As examples we can mention manufacturing of the base to snuffboxes. Reference: Swedish Match
Endmilling of rails. Reference: Bosch Rexroth
Chip-line for automatization in the manufacturing of V-rings of rubber. Reference: Trelleborg Forsheda AB
Moulding of paper plates and biscuit paper. Reference: BT Paper / Tielmans
Contact us for suggestion on how we can provide you with special solutions.